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  1. Right. I see many golfers trying to use the hands and arms to try and
    “muscle” the ball. They just keep repeating the same swing and wonder why
    the are getting no distance and improving their game. Nice tip, Paul!

  2. Excellent advice. Now I think I know why I randomly hit it to the right at
    times! Thanks for your awesome videos! I think I’ve now seen them all!

  3. For clubs you really need to see a clubfitter. There is a lot of personal
    preference and the feel of the club as well. Make sure you like it before
    you buy it. Maybe I’ll see you one day. Let me know if you’re in town.

  4. A slider can help his cause by turning the lead foot out 25-30 degrees this
    way it does not hurt the knee when turning. Weight distribution 50-50.
    Alignment is square.

  5. paul, thanks so much for these videos, your method doesnt cliick straight
    away as it takes a lot of time to train your brain not to use you arms,so
    to anyone out there i urge you to stick at this method, but boy, when it
    does its such an amazing feeling when the ball flies off the face of the
    club without effort ( the only effort is coling at the top of the swing)

  6. Excellent tips I am 50 and just started to play golf. Your explanations are
    easy to understand and I am a lefty and slice sometimes, now I understand
    why and yes say stuff 200 times so people get it I wish I lived in Vegas so
    I could take your class any tips on purchasing clubs

  7. I can’t remember, who first said: “DON’T MOVE YOUR HANDS WITH YOUR HANDS”?
    Classic truism !!! Paul, can a “slider” also help his cause by foot
    placement/alignment and weight distribution at address?

  8. David. I really should repeat 200 times so then maybe people will remember
    what I am saying.

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