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  1. i think you will find he was proving the point about chipping on bare lies.
    Plus, if i had a short game like Phil’s, i’d chip from anywhere! πŸ™‚

  2. 8 people beaned themselves in the forehead because they put too much weight
    forward πŸ˜›

  3. Arnold Palmer told Jack Nicklaus ‘chipping 3 foot from the hole is hole is
    great, but putting off green 3 feet from the hole is average.. so why chip
    when you can put?’

  4. I use this shot now, its improved my game just keep doing the shot within
    50 yds of the greens, sometimes i blade it but 90% of the time i get it
    spot on

  5. he actually knows what hes talking about. i got my first legit birdie today
    on a par three chipping from the rought uphill. and the first thing i
    thought of was this video. also the the 50 yard shot video works like a
    charm too!

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