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  1. ok i have a question. i put the bal in front of my stance with my driver, i
    try not to tee it to high but when i swing my loft of the ball is as high
    or higher than my distance. my club is 9.5 degree. and why do i get back
    spin on my drive i get no role i can get back spin off my drive please help.

  2. You’re hitting underneath the teed ball and off of the top of the clubface.
    This produces the “pop-up”. I would try teeing the ball lower *maybe
    1/4-1/2 inch* or tee it farther up in your stance. Whats happening with you
    it sounds like your coming to the point of impact at the apex of your
    swing. You want the point of impact just in FRONT of the apex. This should
    give you the ASCENDING blow he is talking about. Hitting UP and following
    through the ball.

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  4. Ball to left instep,good body posture and balance,medium tee height,smooth
    swing,3 wood,300yds,nice.but thats just me.

  5. That’s old school, new school is narrow stance for everthing except driver,
    chips, short shots near the green, widen the stance change the arc, less
    power, Look Vijay’s swing and then look Tiger’s or Sergio’s. Old school,
    new school.

  6. kostly ok thats what i thought but you know what i went to a simulator the
    other day and i was hitting in the middle of the head but it was still
    going high. i can tee the ball down but everything i do it seems like i hit
    it high. so when i get to my bal i have no roll it just stopped or had back

  7. Pat52007: Have you ever read Jack Nicklaus’ Lesson Tee – the one that back
    in the 70s appeared in Golf Digest as a cartoon series? It was compiled
    into a book. While Nicklaus taught that the iron position was the same for
    him for all shots, he strongly recommended that an individual player find
    where he naturally contacted the ground, and play the ball there. For me,
    it is just slightly front of center. Best thing is to have a pro look at
    you to determine your best ball position.

  8. thank you so much..i never realized that the divit was taken after the
    ball..i was already componsating for my slice by putting the ball farther
    ahead with the driver..but now i know why it works..

  9. You are probably hitting with a sharp descending blow.With your irons this
    is great .With the driver you really should be level or ascending.Swing
    more around your body and move the ball away a bit father so that you can
    aproach form the inside,you may hook at first so experiment w ball
    position.I can’t see your swing so i have to assume you know about weight
    shift and the sequence of moving parts in the downs swing.See the Kinematic
    Sequence,here at Utube if you think it’s mechanics. LMKnow

  10. Jack Nicklaus played ALL shots off his left heal. Jack said the only thing
    that should vary is the width of the stance and NOT ball position!! You all
    can do what you want but I trust Nicklaus!!

  11. will be trying this tomorrow, think the problem i had was still hitting
    with a driver on the down swing so my balls went all over the shop. cheers

  12. wow man im 11 years old and now im hitting my 5 iron 145 to155 yards after
    your handicap before 36 after 24 ;D

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