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  1. I think you should test Discmania M2-D line and if you break in that disc
    you can see umbelivable unstable fly and flat Md2-C line is good disc too.
    That disc replaced my buzz.

  2. yes, this was somethign i needed. thanks alot, really good information. But
    i have follow up questin… How this works with discraft disc when those
    have only stability value?

  3. cool thanks for the tip. I have been checking out a lot of midranges lately
    so im not sure when ill get to try one but ill keep in mind.

  4. I find that when I try to throw harder I usually get less energy put on the
    disc than when I just try to throw smooth. You also may have an unusually
    stable valk or an unusually flippy havoc? Who knows really but it sounds
    like you are doing just fine with your throw so just keep on playing.

  5. now i throw my valkyrie, and it turns over everytime so what should i get,
    i prefer innova. Any suggestions?

  6. Good stuff man, great explanations, so much easier than reading a long page
    of technical terms!

  7. Discraft has pretty good flight charts on their website but I know what you
    mean its kinda tough. Also sometimes I check out the disc im intersted in
    on Discgolfcenter they have the same flight numbers as innova for all of
    the discs they sell.

  8. I just started this sport and I’ve tried throwing an ape. It’s a disc that
    I found while playing one day and it would always make a quick hard left
    when I’d throw it. I thought the disc was broke but now I know I don’t have
    the skill to use it correctly. lol You’ve got a awesome channel man. It’s a
    huge help. Thanks dude.

  9. Ok I checked out this Vid it helped for sure its my first year playing I
    was the guy talking to you bout the DD2 blizzard from this Im thinking my
    sidearm might be to fast I can side arm by blizzard boss over 400 ft on a
    good day Im just learning to backhand that far its just a little confusing
    because they claim the DD2 is for all skill levels and easy to throw but
    maybe that the prob so either Im throwing the DD2 to hard or the disc I
    have is flawed but thanx again your page is great

  10. If you are throwing it flat you should just work on throwing on a hyzer and
    flip it up straight. If you want something more stable I would say a wraith
    would probably be a pretty good choice. Very similar to a Surge from

  11. Thanks for the great explanation! I’ve never heard the numbers explained
    that well. Question about speed: Would you measure speed as the rate at
    which the disc leaves your hand, or how fast it is spinning? after it
    leaves your hand, or more likely, some combination of the two?

  12. I would give the beast a shot. Or if you want something to really work on
    get a ape or a boss. Those are crazy fast discs. Tons of people love the
    beast tho, so you should give it a shot.

  13. If your new, just go get you an Innova Beast, Roc, and Aviar putter. If you
    weigh more than 155 lbs I would have you pick a 170g+ beast, 175g+ Roc, and
    a 166-170g putter. I weigh 165 and I’m 6′ tall so you have an idea of what
    works best for me. someone smaller may want to get a lighter weight or some
    one with low arm speed. I would consider my max arm speed with out losing
    accuracy would be an 11. Stronger arms may want to get something more over
    stable and weaker more so. Try it out.

  14. Beast is the best disc for any new player. It was my first Driver when I
    started last year and was still my favorite disc of the 30+ I’ve had since
    until I lost it a few weeks ago (still morning over my loss) The Viking and
    Orc are also great starter drivers. As for mid range, The Innova Roc,
    Discraft Z buzzz, Innova King cobra, or the shark are all great mid range.
    As for putters, the Classic and kc pro Aviar are the best in my opinion but
    there are alot of good ones like the discraft magnet

  15. i can flip a valk pretty good..but i can also flip a havoc which is speed
    13..a havoc will also go further for me easier but should i have to be
    throwing harder?

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