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  1. the most fucken baise car review …fuck all the german cars stupid shitty
    cars that are made for old white fucks… btw top of my cock looks better
    than this german piss of shit?

  2. nice car, but don’t expect VW to honor your warranty, they will just tell
    you “thats normal”. DSG is a problem also. google vw problems.?

  3. The Mk6 GTI actually runs at 230-234 at the crank and the stated hp 200-204
    is WHP (no bullshit) but what is important is that 208 ft-lb of torque on a
    car that weighs in around an RX-8 just makes it so nice in the twisty’s.?

  4. Although i actually like all 3 cars they mention, i have to say the
    mazdaspeed 3 should of been #1 for 263/280 (more torque than a 370/g37 and
    base v6 camaros/mustang for a stock car costing rougly 24k thats an insane
    deal, its like the GTR in subcompact hatche form. ?

  5. Vdubs for life,love GTI’s,about to have my 3rd one,can’t wait! One test
    drive and your hooked.?

  6. The guy in red, if you can’t find bad things to say about GTI, just don’t
    say it. All those cons you mentioned are pointless to people who love GTI.?

  7. I just test drove a GTI and I agree with Paul, I was very impressed by the
    interior, and the steering wheel felt great. I was impressed with how
    planted it felt in the corners.

    I love your reviews, guys. Keep it up!?

  8. Hi, we’re EverydayDriver, excuse us while we suck Germany’s dick. “oooooh
    look at the window switches!” shut the fuck up

  9. What you do light it on fire? I am at 130,000+ miles on mine and it is
    tracked and is fine. 2010 GTI

  10. @crappyMCcrapperson I wouldn’t want to label people who choose an auto
    transmission as “posers” any more than I’d call someone an “enthusiast”
    just because he likes stepping on a clutch and rowing a stick through
    traffic. Those generalizations are overly broad. Everyone has their own
    preference. My original point on this post was that the VW GTI offered an
    excellent alternate choice with the DSG, which the Mazdaspeed3 does not,
    and I stand by that opinion. A DSG GTI is not for “posers”.

  11. @EverydayDriver But the review by Edmunds mentions their Gti was on all
    season tires which harmed lap times significantly. I’ve also read some
    other hot hatch comparisons literally stating that Golf turns in better
    than MS3 wich has harder suspension and isn’t that the whole point of
    engineering an everyday sports car? Was your test car equipped with all
    season tires too?

  12. @EverydayDriver There seems to be a massive handling difference between the
    plain tires that came on the 17″ wheels and the summer (or at least
    performance all-weather) tires that come on the 18″ ‘detroit’ wheels. You
    may want to do a follow-up review on the GTI since starting in 2011 the
    better tires are now standard.

  13. @555NaKuL yes, easily reflash the ECU. you change the system that manages
    the engine and how it runs. most modern cars, I think more the european
    ones, are like that

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