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  1. She’s so fucken dumb. She broke the lift, backed up, realized she didn’t
    put her ticket in, tried driving it forward for the gate lift to open, only
    to realize it wouldn’t open cause she broke it…then to make shit even
    more ridiculous she goes and breaks it even more. Way to go dumb cunt!?

  2. Not all women are bad drivers. We have faster minds then men do. ?

  3. You’ve never been to a parking lot have you? If you had you would have
    known that the entrance and exit is not the same gate. And those arrow
    markings on the floor is a dead give away

  4. Not when it comes to my mustang and my motorcycle. lol. If I own it, (I
    drive it). 🙂

  5. looks like a man, but the funny thing is that you notice the gate is
    turning even though its broken. It means the woman never paid the ticket or
    she just doesnt know how to use the ticket to open the gate properly

  6. I hate women like this. Rather than be responsible and seek out the
    attendant she gets all flustered and embarrassed at the situation so
    totally destroys the barrier so that she can get away and pretend nothing
    happened and in her mind will play it down as though it is no big deal.

  7. That’s not funny. He’ll need that ticket to get out of that parking –
    that’s unless she breaks that gate too!

  8. She’s nuts but the guy behind her is very stupid: the bar is gone but he
    still tries to use the control to raise it, LOL! I bet they’re husband and

  9. Arrows on the floor are not a dead giveaway to whether this is an Entrance
    or Exit. By the actions though it does look like it might be an entry & you
    would be right.

  10. What’s funny is the driver of Vehicle 2 watching all this, still stops to
    use the card to lift a broken gate. Was that also a woman ?

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