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  1. Good stuff, but all I want to know is this. Who was the first celebrity
    that wore his pants below his belly button and made it acceptable? Was it

  2. Bobby Jones was arguably the greatest golfer ever to play the game. A
    modern teacher would take one look at his swing and tell him to shorten it,
    restrict his hip turn, widen his stance and not lift his left heel on the
    backswing. Bobby was a part time player who hung up his clubs in the winter
    for the most part, practiced law and earned several degrees while winning
    thirteen majors by the time he was twenty six. As for me, I’ll listen to
    Bobby before any modern teacher. Note around the 6:20 mark he speaks about
    pulling with the top hand and arm, the right hand only catching up at
    impact. That’s what I mean by Top Hand Golf. It was vital to his teaching
    and for my money, he was not only the greatest golfer ever, he was also,
    because of his incredible intelligence, the greatest teacher.?

  3. This is the era good fashion sense went out the window.Horrible,horrible
    plus 4s.They probably reek of BO and tobacco.?

  4. Jones retired at 28 after winning the 4 majors in a row – he’s about 29
    here. He got $100,000 from Warner Bros for several of these films. – for
    serious golfer these clips are invaluable. He is the only golfer to win the
    4 major tourneys in one year – Ben Hogan might have done it, he won the
    first 3 but the PGA tourney was a week after the British Open, in those
    days they went by ship so there was no way he could have made it. Tiger won
    all 4 in a row but over 2 years.

  5. Jones could not physically cope with the Tour agenda of the 30s and that
    was one of his raesons for stopping. Touring was just too hard on him. His
    poor physical condition and health problems would hinder his claim on being
    the best ever. Hogan is probably a more deseving example of true Greatness
    in all aspects from effort,competition,travelling, dominance over a long
    period and returning to dominance after a near fatal and crippling injury.
    The Hogan Story was so amazing Hollywood made a film.

  6. greatness isn’t just measured by numbers or years. Babe Ruth was great,
    none better. Sandy Koufax was great. none better. Wilt Chamberlain would
    push the Shaq around. Bobby Jones just quit in his prime.. he transcended
    his sport. that’s why he’s still talked about almost a 100 years later.
    Snead, Hogan, and Byron Nelson. all great. greatest ever is a fantasy.
    means nothing really.

  7. As short as this instructional film is, I wish i had a dvd of it or
    something. Thanks for the upload! … Bobby J!

  8. As I stated in my first post, he was not the greatest ever. Its a
    meaningless statement. Is a man who beats 5 people better than one who
    beats 5 million ?

  9. I think he was the greatest ever, just as Babe Ruth was the greatest ever.
    Ali was the greatest. Not an old guy , just an athlete who understands hand
    eye coordination. Today’s golf equipment takes anyone who plays now out of
    the running. It’s a joke really, but I love playing with it.

  10. My dad taught me to swing like this back in the late 60’s. A little twist
    of the hips starts the arms/hands in motion. I never liked twisting the top
    half of my body against the bottom. The spine doesn’t like to be a helix. A
    lot of middle aged guys who have golfed as much as I have are stuck with
    back pain. Not me.

  11. i think if Bryon Nelson wold have not quit, he would have been better than
    Hogan. He was one tough guy mentally. 11 straight wins with the ‘tour
    agenda’, WW II or not, was amazing. Got his money for his ranch and quit in
    his prime.

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