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  1. I’m assuming wildcat has played borderlands. Do videos on it please. That
    game is way better than this crap.?

  2. I AM WILDCAT you’re one of my biggest insparations and i just hit 100
    subscribers ! It may not be a big number
    but it’s huge for me ! Thank you <3?

  3. ”Oh my god get out of the way, Could you not XD lol I think I broke my jaw
    laughing TO hard?

  4. hmmmm personally i think i might like this call of duty, i havent been so
    keen on the last one ghosts.?

  5. Why do some people hate on this game? Sure, it takes features from other
    games, but is that a bad thing? They have features from some of my favorite
    games. They have the sliding from Crysis and the boost jumping from
    Titanfall. The boost dashing is from Titanfall. Advanced Warfare also has
    Exo abilities, which I find amazing. Without these features, you wouldn’t
    even be able to beat the game!?

  6. Hey Wildcat, Im a big fan of you and your group of friends, Vanoss, H2O,
    Lui and I’ve been thinking of starting a channel! I was hoping we could
    game sometime? For XBOX 1 My Gamertag is SM TarqShooTerr! Again I’m a huge
    fan and i think it would be fun if we met! Anyways awesome videos! Get back
    to me if you can man (: Pce! ?

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