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  1. This was awsome tips! thanks alot! many crappy discgolf vids out there but
    this one was great! 5/5

  2. i agree the there needs to be more instuctional videos by the manufacturer
    on there products.

  3. Yes, this video is right on. I finally got it figured out, and I’m getting
    a lot of extra distance because of this vid. One other thing I noticed –
    the tendons in my wrist feel kind of weird and tingly when I get the snap

  4. his advise conflicts with some other videos ive seen on driving. great

  5. Love these new vids. Keep em coming. Would be awesome to see someone
    competing with the discraft vids on lessons, from beginner to expert
    tips…keep em coming!

  6. Feels like the second tip about keeping the disc close to body and getting
    the snap with wrist is more for a midrange (noticed he said Roc’s) throw
    rather then maximum range driving.

  7. This explains where snap comes from better then any other video I have seen!

  8. Like the other comments say, this is actually good advice. I tell everyone
    I try to teach the basics to, is to snap it out like you snap a towel, keep
    it tucked close to the chest. I saw another video about scraping the disc
    across your nipples. That sounds funny but that’s pretty spot on.

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