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  1. if all americans were as likeable as this bloke the world would be a better
    place.he knows a bit about golf too.

  2. Jaacob you are the only one that even looks Mike when you swing, but I
    think you will agree that you may have a couple of yards to go yet. Maybe
    there is still an MA secret or two somewhere — if there is, I really hope
    you find it. All the best

  3. I love this guy!!!!!!! He not only knows what he is saying, but he says it
    so we wekend hackers can understand it. Thanks.

  4. This guy is great, ive used all his videos and in 2 months have dropped 15
    strokes per round.

  5. I definitely agree I have some more yards in me. 😉 Some of my little
    power leaks I know about but I don’t actually worry about fixing anymore,
    though. When I’ve tried to change them previously, I picked up more power
    on my best ones…but didn’t hit the ball as consistently. So it’s a bit of
    a tradeoff for me I guess!

  6. @StevieDminesapint gee… wonder how many Americans you actually know. how
    is your comment helpful and anything but a troll in disguise?

  7. I’ve personally taken a lesson from this guy and he’s fucking long and
    talented…..from a 15 handicap to scratch within 6 months…impressive…

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