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  1. Thanks for the review guys and congratulations on another great season of
    informative and enjoyable shows. With the switch to digital this year I’m
    sure more and more golfers will discover GolfZone TV.

  2. BirdieBall USA here. I just wanted to say Thank You, for the positive
    review. I enjoyed your explanation of how the BirdieBall functions. I am
    sure Gaetan is taking care of you. Thanks again for your overall
    contribution to the understanding of golf ball striking and practice. Much
    appreciated and let me know if I can help you guys in any way. Make sure
    and call the next time you are in the US. Sincerely, John Breaker,
    President, Birdie Ball Inc.

  3. Does anyone else have the problem of the birdieballs cracking only on one
    side so still in one piece? I think the problem may be that I used them in
    extreme cold, 10*-20* F (I live in Minnesota).

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