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  1. I wish I lived in the UK to come out and play ๐Ÿ™ unfortunately I live all
    the way over here in freezing cold Canada where there won’t be golf until
    April :'( great video though I use this technique so much in my game its my
    signature shot really, lowered my score for sure! Thanks Mark for the great
    video once again!

  2. Great tips Thanks Mark. Your videos are incredibly useful when looking for
    a new club! Keep up the good work squire

  3. The chip & run shot is the high percentage shot for me. I’ve got friends
    who try to spin their 60 wedge from 15 yards away, but the chip & run
    virtually eliminates any potential fat or occasionally shanked shots. I
    only ever really use my 60 wedge from bunkers or tight pins behind bunkers
    when I absolutely have to get the ball airborne.

  4. I’m always daunted by low chip and run shots, I seem to have a mental block
    as to how far they will go in the air and along the ground.

  5. Hey mark what kind of rain pants are you wearing? Personally i prefer to
    fly the ball closer to the hole when its wet because it usually stops on a
    dime, rather than trying to judge the speed on a chip and run on slow, wet

  6. Mark, that last shot was brilliant! The water in the foreground and sun on
    the horizon. Gorgeous.

  7. I wish i could come mark. being stuck in Philly, PA i dont have the
    Oppurtunity i really would love to play with you some day ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Common sense for me. Still confused about the different chipping
    techniques. Bob Pelz says “place ball opposite right ankle, point feet
    slightly to target than hit down”. too hard for me and not natural.

  9. I’ve seen people doing chip and runs with just about everything…
    including a driver once. I guess it’s just whatever you are comfortable

  10. Good video Mark. I use my 7-iron for that shot with a “putting stroke”
    swing thought. Over the years it has been one of the highest probability
    shots in my bag.

  11. I love the hinge and hold method, saved me quite a bit, wish I could come
    out there, stuck in CT

  12. Mark you must be a mind reader! I was only thinking the other day about a
    chip and run video so thanks for doing one.

  13. Good advise used the shot even before the video! Really has shaved strokes
    off my scorecard.

  14. are you saying that if the ground is wet or you can’t read the lines to do
    this shot? or do this all time?

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