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  1. This teacher is dead on it. You cannot keep lag by stiffening up. It’s a
    limp-wristed swing that has lag. I’m 53 and can still torch a 7i 190
    yards. Soft hands!!?

  2. These drills worked great for lag but now my downswing is very steep. Did I
    do something wrong??

  3. Golf Instruction ive been doing this just for a couple
    days and ive also noticed that if i dont “clear” my hips enough at the
    start of the mini swing the club seems to be coming more out to in. Am I
    crazy or should I just focus on keeping my wrists and forearm relaxed,
    thanks for your videos!!?

  4. in the newest vid:How to Become a “Lag Monster” and Drop Your Handicap by 5
    Strokes…..noticed how letting the lag go the club starts flexing way
    before you really need it too….great to be noticing this stuff now…and
    after only being able to play one fricken game so far this and
    furious 45 years ago is catching up LOL but not so funny ha….)?

  5. Did you work on his weight transfer, too? The ‘before’ video shows him
    turning his weight ‘behind’ the ball so that his upper body is back off the
    ball at impact. The ‘after’ video, however, shows him moving his weight
    forward more before dropping those arms (which is what you want to do), so
    that his upper body is ‘covering’ the ball better at impact, which will
    automatically force him to get his hands ahead of the clubhead at impact.?

  6. If you shift your bodyweight towards the target and turn it ahead of the
    arms, you will create so much natural lag (this is the physics of gravity)
    that you won’t believe how much further you hit the ball, and your shots
    will be so much more accurate.

    To do this, your arms have to have zero tension. As soon as you tense those
    arms in the downswing and try to physically ‘hold’ the lag or guide the
    shot, you’ll kill that power, the lag, and your accuracy.

    Many amateurs believe that they have to ‘hit’ the ball with the arms as
    they swing through. Wrong. If you’re consciously using any muscles in your
    arms in the downswing then you are not completing the golf swing correctly.

    Try it on the range. Loosen up your arms, get rid of any tension, and turn
    your body through, lagging the arms. If you feel that you don’t have
    control of the club or the swing, then you’re doing it right. Trust it.
    Gravity will keep your club and arms on plane coming down, and increase
    that clubhead speed…?

  7. I gotta tell ya, this is probably the most overlooked aspect of the golf
    swing. Not only did practicing a relaxed wrist and LAG add tremendous
    distance(about 40 yards off the tee) but also ball flight and ACCURACY. It
    feels weird at first because it feels like you don’t have control but it’s
    the only way to add consistent distance and accuracy. I already had a very
    fast club-head speed (110-114) just from my hip action and strength. Ball
    wasn’t going anywhere until I corrected this! Great video.

  8. In the new swing to the old swing what I see is he is not pulling up on the
    down swing. In his new swing he is retaining his spine angle thus creating

  9. just a thought…it’s far more than ‘twice the distance’’s more like
    eight times the distance..if his hands moved the ‘six inches’..and the club
    was parallel to the ground..then the club moved nearly five feet!

  10. This is 100% normal. You have to train your nervous system, which takes
    time. Keep making the correct movements and it will get easier and easier.
    You will want to watch the full video on the site which will give you tips
    on how to take this to a longer swing. ~Clay Ballard

  11. Please explain to me how “lag” or pulling the handle, creates power? I’d
    love to hear your explanation, thanks.

  12. Been struggling with my game for a couple years. The conscious effort of
    staying centered and keeping my right wrist soft helped me tremendously!
    Love the simple approach and the biometric explanations.

  13. Sounds like you already have great lag in your swing. For you it will seem
    natural, I would agree. If you are someone that has been struggling with
    casting the club you will have to go through the proper steps to learn the
    move. Great job on the lag in your swing, it sounds like you are doing well
    with it. Good luck with your game!! ~Clay Ballard

  14. You are saying that after 30 minutes you could see improvements in Kurtz.
    From your experience how many repetitions per days & for how many days does
    it take to see some improvements. I found it hard to believe that by just
    doing this drill he moved his hand from being from the back leg at impact
    to the front leg at impact…

  15. Lag is a byproduct of a good initiation of the downswing. Shifting of the
    weight to the left side and straightening the left leg as well will get the
    club down and still maintaining a 90 degree wrist set. All the lag you need
    and natural. Lag is great. Forced lag can be awful

  16. Sorry I should have been more clear, loading the right side will not help
    lag. It helps to transmit power from the body to the arms, and eventually
    the club. Feel free to swing however you would like, I was just wanting to
    help someone who is looking for answers on the swing. What ever you choose
    i recommend choosing instruction that has proven results. Check out some of
    the lag before and after on this channel. I wish you the best of luck with
    your game. Good luck with your swing! ~Clay Ballard

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