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  1. Any ideas how to get the blood and brain matter off the clubs??? Would
    soapy warm water do the trick!?

  2. So, water is better for cleaning the clubs, all the way up the shaft, than
    sand? Do I have to use a silver bucket?

  3. Have you seen my clubs? Boric acid would not clean those darn things. I do
    have a questing fine sir of knowledge…. Do I have to use regular water?

  4. Get over oldschool methods of cleaning your clubs. checkout Neatstrike-Golf
    Club Cleaner. logonto neatstrike(dot)com

  5. r u being serious… ? and by the way u dont go up the golf shaft to clean
    your clubs ….. u go up the club head

  6. WoW…..that was incredible Chris. I appreciate it being free. Btw, I bite
    my tongue all the time when eating! Can you post a video – proper way to
    chew food??

  7. ah that was good i just cleaned mine in hot water but didnt think about
    using a tee to get the dirt out there

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