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  1. people usually have the brand face up, and thats how they come one clubs,
    but i know a number of people who put them face down. unless you dont wanna
    see the brand, put them face up

  2. Anyone else notice he didn’t remove the old layer of tape before putting
    the new layer of tape and grip on? Some lucky customer’s gonna have a fat
    grip with worn tape inside…

  3. @OwnYouScum Dosen’t affect the club at all. I rock 5 layers of tape and u
    really can only start telling the differnece with four wraps on there.

  4. @OwnYouScum And he did that right after saying you need to remove the old
    tape! I’m not too confident in letting other people regrip my clubs anymore
    after watching a couple improper videos like this on Youtube. Those Golf
    Pride grips are badass though.

  5. with the multi colored golf pride grips should the brand face up or down or
    does it depend on your own personal preference?

  6. Gonna grip a few clubs tomorrow, is mineral spirits the solvent? Good vid,

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