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  1. Got one for free. Friend threw it twice and hated it. I get some great over
    hand throws out of it tho. Because this disc dives left so hard when
    through back hand it balances out with over hand pretty nicley. Still not
    great distance tho.?

  2. Bro that whole rant about spin making the disc flip right is totally wrong.
    Spin makes the disc keep the angle it has. Speed makes it flip right.?

  3. Most uninformed review I maybe have ever seen…also next time bring a
    friend to record for you..the whole gopro on you head thing really sucks
    man. Not trying to outright hate on you, but you will get less hate with
    better quality and a more informed review. ?

  4. You do not have the power for that disk. 13 is very upper level plus a
    172g is heavy. same disk at say 160 could work if you can power it. And
    you Prolly can if you can throw a 172g wraith. ?

  5. The molds are inconsistent with this disc, it takes alot of powr to get
    mine to break….. but when it does that anhyzer toss with good spin gets
    you a beautiful S that carrys and lives up the that 6 rating…. shes just
    a finnicky disc…. I love mine.?

  6. This is a terrible disc but I like to use it if a need a really strong fade
    early in the throw. Other than that I don’t touch it?

  7. you need to get used to it. it took me 2 years and im still not done, but
    its the best disc for your money if you can learn its tricks?

  8. First of all it’s called disc golf and second of it will go far if you
    throw it right. Try setting up the camera also so we can actchually see.
    And don’t talk so much and just let us see throws?

  9. i was thinking about getting groove for myself but nobody couldn’t tell me
    what kind disc it is so this video was really helpful. Maybe i’ll try
    destroyer instead of groove. Thank you Joshua!?

  10. I’m very proud to say, I’ve never owned one of these. Frustration with the
    similarly groove rimmed Monarch was a tip off never to buy one.

    People also have to understand that better than half the equation in a disc
    throw is the person throwing it, not the disc itself. If a disc isn’t
    straightening out for you, and is fading prematurely, one possible reason
    is that you aren’t getting it up to speed.?

  11. You unfortunately discovered possibly the worst mold ever produced by
    Innova. I believe I saw it described as “Meathookus Maximus” in a review. I

  12. Hey Josh, Beat that disc in a little bit (meaning keep throwing it). Fast
    new discs in champion plastic are generally more overstable when they are
    brand new. Throw something a little slower, and more understable to
    achieve more distance right now in your game, while you are figuring out
    how to get more behind your throw.?

  13. This was my first driver disc. I started playing about 4 months ago and
    when I bought this disc I thought I was going to throw it a mile lol. I was
    very wrong! I threw it and I was very disappointed when it hooked left and
    didn’t even go as far as my shark. Then after reading all the bad reviews I
    just put it away and never used it until here recently. Now that I have
    more experience this is my favorite driver. I love my champion groove!?

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