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  1. @lordsandreik EVERY thing is made in China these days, idiot. with every
    product that hits the market, there are irregulars, lemons, defectives, etc
    — in ALL industries including auto, clothing, sporting goods, electronics,
    etc. NOTHING can be done about that, regardless of where said items are

  2. Hey, I have a question for you. I have tried two of the Nike SQ MachSpeed
    Black Square Driver 10.5 Stiff. Once last year and yesterday. The same
    thing happens both time I used it. The shaft broke. The shaft broke at the
    base so all you could see it the club. Why is that? I know I’m not doing
    any wrong with it. I would at least go through a bucket of 20 balls with

  3. shut the fuck up u noob,every piece made in hong kong cost nearly 5 dollars
    and Nike sell it 300 dollars in golf shop…NO ONE ITEM CHINA MADE gain the
    3000% during the selling process… at this point i prefer the japanese
    hand made…

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