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  1. At least the ute got smashed by the Golf.

    I don’t mind people launching off at lights, as long as they stay under the
    speed limit and don’t spin their tyres.?

  2. The golf looked like it was somewhat under control, the P plater however
    was just about to lose it. Hopefully he does not have to learn the hard

  3. To be honest, both parties in this example are as guilty as each other. It
    doesn’t matter who started it, but both were driving in a dangerous manner
    and if caught by the police, I doubt they would care about the “oh he
    started it” speech?

  4. “P Plater “Hoon” and Golf”. So, you’re implying the Golf driver wasn’t
    hooning and only the P Plater was? Not trying to cause any shit or
    anything. Just saying, with all the shit you read in the paper and see on
    the news, everyone makes it out as if P Platers are the only people out
    there that would be considered hoons.

  5. They were both dicks, but its hard pressed to say the Golf was hooning, not
    sure hes even breaking any laws.

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