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  1. Thanks Mark. It makes common sense that you can hit the ball to much from
    the inside, but everything you read stresses hitting “Out to In.” I’ve been
    battling some wicked drives lately, and I think this may be one of my

  2. Hi Mark, nice work once again! I’m a 5 h/c’er and wondered what your
    thoughts were on a good pre-shot routine. I personally have overlooked this
    for ages because what it got to do with hitting the ball, some say?! I have
    now spent some time on it, when you get it right it’s amazing how much
    confidence it gives when you’re over the ball…! (Henry).

  3. -5 for wedges, -4 for 6 iron, -3 for 3 iron, and driver is hit on the up
    for max efficiency. the real reason to hit down on the ball is to present
    the sweet spot to the ball, not just to chop some earth out. tour players
    will take shallow divots because they hit down just enough to find the
    middle. no pie pan divots out there for stock shots. driver might be easier
    to control if hit down slightly (-2). most guys on tour hit down on it.

  4. …got another question; My TA is now as good as its ever been since I’ve
    been careful to with the club back, down the toe-line and parallel to the
    ground position. Can you take through this position, I think if you can get
    this right everything clicks and comes together just fine…(Henry)

  5. Hi mark great video i am steady golfer with a 17 Handicap and i have the
    opposite of the high hitting player i hit the ball low and take big divots
    ino i deloft the ball and get to far ahead of it because i hit my short
    clubs along way compared to my long irons but do you no any good drills to
    get my head behind the ball more and get the ball up higher thanks alot

  6. it’s hard because you feel like you’re going to pull slice it. the funny
    thing is when you are really coming from the inside the hardest shot to
    execute is a pull slice.

  7. I’m having a problem with a slice….. Should I change the setting s on my
    driver? It’s a Nike machpees sq black 2011 with str8 fit. Also will you
    make a video on driver settings one day?

  8. Mark, I really can’t thank you enough because i’ve been trying to cure a
    ‘low hook’ and to get the perfect video for what I was looking for really
    makes me want to go out and play, it’s just a question of the weather at
    the moment!

  9. Hey Mark love your videos. I have a question about pitching and possibly
    even chipping. If you want to get those shots higher.. would it also be
    correct to put the ball forward in your stance? I told this to my golf
    teacher at school and she shot it down right away. I find myself opening my
    stance up and putting the ball forward tho in order to hit higher shots..
    not flop shots but just higher shots in general. What do you think? I’d
    love to hear thoughts- hard to find videos on that on youtube!

  10. What is the ideal angle for attack for all clubs? When does it transition
    from descending, to ascending? Like for a 5 iron…without trying to knock
    it down, just hitting a standard shot, would I want to hit down? Or do I
    start moving it slightly forward in my stance and try to hit up a tad? If
    you are adding loft, is it safe to say you’re kind of hitting it fat?

  11. Enjoy your videos. Your equipment reviews are credible and helped me make a
    decision on a set of irons recently. I’d like to plug a great golf book I
    read last weekend. “Bobby Jones on Golf” is a classic and is full of useful
    insight on the swing, playing the course, and player psychology.

  12. hey mark, are there any drill to stop hitting down to steep on the ball?
    I’ve been told loses me distance.

  13. hey mark, youve probably answered this a bunch before, but unfortunately i
    dont have the means to get your app, so is there any other way that i would
    be able to send you my swing?

  14. Learn so much from all your videos Mark! Really helped improve my shot and
    understand what is wrong with it. THANK YOU!

  15. Hi Mark. What we need is some short game tips including bunker play and
    those tricky shots over bunkers to tight pin positions.

  16. What you talk about where the golfer squares the face to make up for the
    “too far right” swing is brilliant. I have a golf buddy who does this, and
    I can’t get him to trust exactly what you said. So maybe he needs to hear
    it from someone else, so I sent him the link to your video 😉

  17. Those who are hitting from the inside, just try hitting fades. You will
    probably then find the ball comes out straight.

  18. Great vid. I was curious if you could try and do a video from your point of
    view to like point out things that would indicate your on course for the
    correct swing? Like position of your arms or legs and such maybe? Because I
    am never consistent and Im always changing not knowing where I should and
    just guessing that would be awesome (p.s review on callaway X-Forged
    irons/comp to Nike/Miz please??)

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