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  1. It sure took him a lot of tries to get that ball into his pocket. Kept
    missing hitting his legs, feet, etc.?

  2. It’s funny when people say he was a bad person cause he cared about
    money… It’s like “I’ve no other bad thing to say, so…”. If he was a
    wife beater and child abuser like John Lennon, I’d understand. I wonder if
    it’s just trolling, or some people really believe you can be bad for liking

  3. seve came from a very poor background he had Nothing. thats why he cared
    about money because none of his family had nothing he learnt to play golf
    with 1 golf ball and a rusty 3 iron ?

  4. Un orgullo para todos los cántabros,españoles y amantes del golf…en
    definitiva,un orgullo para todos…

  5. Seve was my favourite player of all time and in my opinion the most
    naturally gifted and talented player ever. Seve was a genius and will
    always be a legend who will never be forgotten.

  6. Great golfer, but not a very nice person. Sorry, it has to be said. Just
    because he died of cancer doesn’t make him noble. He was the KING OF
    GAMESMANSHIP and only really cared about money. Seve – you kinda sucked as
    a person.

  7. Why would you think his name was Steve? Just because you speak english? It
    was Severiano.

  8. Magnificent……….the greatest golfer I have ever seen. I hope you are
    teaching my mum to swing like you in heaven xxx

  9. @myrtlebox And I bet you think your a great person? Just for saying that
    you suck as a person…. Of courses he’s in it for money, would you be if
    you played in the PGA? He donated to charity a lot and he loved his money,
    just like every other person in the world does..

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