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  1. Hi Herman, great video as always. My main issue is lack of distance. I
    hit my 4 wood around 200 yards and my driver around 220 yards only. Do you
    push with your right side or pull with your left oblique while posting up
    your left leg on the downswing??

  2. J. Miller and others talk about the gravity move or free ride in which the
    arms fall from the top first, then the body moves. I think you are saying
    the body moves and the arms come down at the same time. I’ve been taught to
    either bump forward and turn the hips first or just turn in a barrel. Don’t
    want to practice the wrong thing so could you please comment. Also I think
    moving down and ahead of the ball to start the downswing ( I know Hardy
    teaches this) is going to take some practice.

  3. @MrDoobie834 You need the next video. πŸ™‚ We only got you to pre-impact thus
    far in this series … you’re committed to your left side and have lots of
    lag. This can make it tough on the driver when you are unaccustomed to
    these moves. You are basically deeper into the impact area with the face
    still open. Next video will help and I’ll try to do one soon specifically
    for the driver. Don’t want to leave you hanging but stay tuned.

  4. Allen if you’re fighting standing up thru the shot, it’s often a result of
    casting which is caused by an open face somewhere in the swing. Be sure to
    check those elements first. Good grip, good clubface position at top of
    swing, lag coming down into downswing with a slight squat … If all those
    things are happening you should be able to stay down more easily and
    release the club thru impact. Watch my “shoulder move” video for a little
    more perspective.

  5. Most golfers start clearing and leave the arms behind. As the turn
    advances, the arms fly outside. You can lead with the hip shift, but only
    if you can make sure the arms go down & not out. As for moving ahead of the
    ball, this is a perception. The head will actually stay behind the ball for
    most of us, but if you want to get divots past the ball you’ve got to get
    your core center to the left of the ball.

  6. It’s definitely available … must have been a short-term YouTube glitch of
    some sort.

  7. I like your first description for athletic players with decent flexibility
    and no lower back issues. But a less mobile player may need to move
    everything together to avoid the torque on the back while also making sure
    to get the arms behind them enough to avoid over-the-top downswings.

  8. Jamie was not shown at impact in your vid but others on this site show his
    chicken wing move. Jeff’s pull back move is supposed to speed up the
    clubhead. Others say Hogan dropped from a cupped to a bowed wrist before
    starting down. I don’t see it. Cupping the wrist hard and thinking of
    keeping the elbows together going back has helped me keep a straighter left
    arm. I had fallen into bad patterns of little shoulder turn and left arm
    collapse. Video of me was a shock!

  9. I just recorded my swing at 240 FPS and when I play back it’s funny how I’m
    doing everything wrong. 10 years ago I could pound a driver out to 305+ and
    had beautiful ball flight. I’m sliding my hips, reversing spine angle,
    casting and my swing speed is down 10 mph. So thanks for this. It’s going
    to take a lot of practice to get my lag and speed back but your tips will
    help. Thank you!

  10. Smart: here’s why– Herman bumps his hips so he gets a weight shift at the
    same time that he drops his right elbow into the “shortstop baseball throw”
    position. The next move is the hip turn: that is smart because the angle of
    the knees and hips at impact is not far away: there is plenty of time to
    get the right knee toward the ball and the hips open 15 or 20 degrees.
    Smart guy.

  11. Excellent Coach…will be trying this tomorrow….will no doubt have some
    questions. thanks again.

  12. Thanks … I don’t think I’ve had Jerry Lee Lewis comparison before. He
    could definitely sing and play piano better than me, but I think I could
    take him on the golf course. πŸ™‚

  13. Hello Herman tried your new info today and again more improvement . Crushed
    my irons, added effortless distance and felt much more solid through the
    hitting area. Except with the driver. I was right right right all day. One
    exception on one drive that was a low screamer about 255 yards. Just didn’t
    seem to be able to close the face as I was doing on the irons. Any reason
    for this or adjustments? Thanks

  14. Steve Stricker has a very simple swing and it looks like he has no wrist
    cock until he makes his back swing? I find that I am much more consistent
    with a 3/4 swing is there much difference in power either way? Thanks for
    you videos.

  15. I must be the lone weirdo because I started crushing (relatively speaking
    of course) with my driver and was excavating the earth with my irons after
    watching these videos. I started out to the right with the driver but fixed
    it 3 or 4 swings, mostly with the “trigger finger”. This is all from
    watching these videos once and one trip to the driving range so this is to
    be expected considering I have completely changed my setup, grip, and
    swing. Thank you Mr. Williams for excellent tips!

  16. Another fine lesson. You have a gift. Anyone ever said you look and sound a
    little like the great Jerry Lee Lewis? Cheers.

  17. Jamie Sadlowski appears to stick that left elbow out towards the target at
    impact.or just beyond. Jeff Ritter talks about this too only he says to
    pull the elbow back. Any benefit from either for the average hacker? I’m
    giving your way my best effort and if it doesn’t work I had fun trying,
    thanks for all you do.

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