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  1. @ssssssspps Ha ha thanks man !! Also much respect for the shout on the Pro
    Series video we did today?? keep watching & commenting i luv it

  2. nice video man if you can hole it out from that distance then your scores
    will drop, i will try this because it happens alot on the course

  3. @Liamrox463 Thanks Liam, its really important to practice the right areas
    of your game if you want to score as low as possible. We have plenty more
    videos to help you improve, including how to pitch it like Sergio Garcia &
    Tiger Woods…..simply click on our channel Let me know how you get on !!

  4. Great videos,just wondered why you were using a lob wedge there when in
    your other video you say its better to use less lofted clubs and get the
    ball running up to the hole ? Am paying attention 🙂 Also visited your
    Facebook page,why not run it as a group as i`m sure you will get loads of
    people join because any update (new vid) will (well am sure you know). Good
    luck and hope to see you back once again 🙂

  5. @iGolftv i watched half of your videos lol, i like the island bunker tip
    never thought of it like that. can you vidoes on backspin and controll

  6. nice video i will practice this. i see the 30 to 40 yard shot a lot and
    never know how to hit it. can you tell me more about the technique?

  7. Um…I’ll call bs on the chip-in. There’s a faint white streak around 1:27
    going past the hole and then a ball just magically appears between 1:28-29.

  8. @Liamrox463 Had alot of requests for back spin, so will do one of those for
    our new season 2 video tips collection, we’ve got some very cool things
    coming soon so keep watching and spread the word.. Laterz

  9. Great video and I can assure you that practicing your shortgame will be
    really beneficial for you. But I don’t really like the “drive the legs”
    part I think great chiping and pitching comes from great trunk rotation and
    really staying connected with your entire body. Rotate the trunk and keep
    the hips fairly quiet especially on shorter shots, if you watch Tiger you
    can really see that he has great trunk rotation in the backswing and in the
    thru swing.

  10. I see to many players with all trunk and no legs, i agree and disagree, I’m
    trying to help the majority of players bud. I have been working super hard
    on some information that is going to change the way almost all golfers play
    the game, its coming soon so keep watching! dm

  11. We have been super busy recording season 3 so apologies for the late
    reply.. Thanks for the shout out and finally.. and this isnt meant to be a
    hard sell, but because i receive thousands of messages emails & video
    reply’s i’ve just put together a 12 week training series that shows the
    drills and tips the PGA Tour Players use and will have to shooting your
    best ever scores in under 12 weeks, see more at our site igolftv com

  12. @menno11100 It’s all about the right focus and practicing awesome things,
    don’t waste time just hitting ball after ball, become the star….train
    correctly and watch your scores tumble !

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