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  1. Saw all of your old video’s and was worried you quit. Good to see you are
    still at it. As lots of comments have said most golf video’s put me to
    sleep but yours are informative and fun to watch, good work. ?

  2. I was so focused on you Gabe, that I didn’t even notice what Jim was doing
    in the background haha!?

  3. Omg Jim is hilarious in this vid, thru the legs chip bro! Who does that
    lolol. Great Vid Gabe!?

  4. “You will not be my mother was when she birthed me”
    hahahahah you’re like my favorite person for that, Gabe!?

  5. Hey gabe i could really REALLY use some help. I made my schools golf team
    as a freshmen and am the fourth man. The course we play blows and the
    greens and around the greens suck. Putting is difficult because i am used
    to playing at a nice country club. Short game is really affecting my score.
    Usually i can get up and down from almost anywhere but now i cant because
    if i miss a green i have a shit lie (dead grass, really flat, even dirt) so
    could you make a video on how to adjust to different playing conditions??

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