This is the myth of getting width in the backswing exposed. You would be
much better off wrapping your arms around your body and getting the
clubshaft in as close to the body as possible. The problem is that your
body will rotate so fast it will be hard to control the clubhead. It will
fly out from the center too soon. Stronger players are able to control the
conservation of angular momentum (keeping the clubshaft in to the body) on
the downswing a lot longer and releasing it at the right time.
Peter width builds torque on the back swing which is then converted into
swing speed on the downswing. You are absolutely right about keeping
everything tight on the downswing because the smaller the radius of
rotation on the downswing the faster the angular acceleration of your trunk
turn. The back swing needs to be wide for torque build up, the downswing
needs to be compressed for optimizing angular acceleration and swing speed
This is the myth of getting width in the backswing exposed. You would be
much better off wrapping your arms around your body and getting the
clubshaft in as close to the body as possible. The problem is that your
body will rotate so fast it will be hard to control the clubhead. It will
fly out from the center too soon. Stronger players are able to control the
conservation of angular momentum (keeping the clubshaft in to the body) on
the downswing a lot longer and releasing it at the right time.
Peter width builds torque on the back swing which is then converted into
swing speed on the downswing. You are absolutely right about keeping
everything tight on the downswing because the smaller the radius of
rotation on the downswing the faster the angular acceleration of your trunk
turn. The back swing needs to be wide for torque build up, the downswing
needs to be compressed for optimizing angular acceleration and swing speed