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  1. M0lt I’m offended that you said “like a retard” 5:59 . I hope you can
    reconsider your choice of words in the future.?

  2. I have played the game for a week and the spawning is terrible and the
    campers but other than that it is pretty coll game?

  3. Molt you have overkill yet you don’t need it and you don’t use it, you can
    change it out for a 3rd perk, ?

  4. Molt dont use smgs now. assault rifles are the way to go at the launch of
    the game. Wait until the get buffed?

  5. Moly the reason it takes long for you to get a kill is because that gun
    doesn’t have a lot of damage?

  6. Ok here’s a few thoughts there is no lag ur not aiming good when u think
    you got the first shot off and says that proves ur lagging well no it
    doesn’t cuz you only hit the guy once or twice cuz ur aim is shit. Another
    thing stop complaining and blaming the fact u suck at the game on lag, you
    have better wifi than me and I normally end with a 3.0 KD. Another thought
    if you don’t know something don’t say it for example when you said u have
    to stay inside when using a suppressor that statement is just flat out
    retarded. Last of all your a man and the people your playing with are
    probably 10-15 most of them and your calling them noobs for not being as
    “good”as you. Well thought of another thing and here it is you complained
    when someone tried to confirm you’re kill, but when you confirmed someone
    else’s kill you were an asshole and had the odasity to play it off and say
    it is a team sport. In conclusion your not meant to play cod if you’re
    going to get upset over ur bad aim. Try playing for fun and playing against
    bots to improve your aim and take responsibility when someone with better
    Im kills you and not blame it on this fictional lag of yours.
    I’m prepared for the hTe I’m going to get for pointing out the truth so
    molt fan girls feel free to comment saying fuck u or whatever it will let
    the rest of us that are intelligent weed you out and realize who the
    fucktard a are.?

  7. Molt, the gun you are using sucks, i prefer you using the AK12, at the
    moment its my fav gun?

  8. WHEN ARE YOU DONG EVIL WITHIN its the best loo 😀 if you could i would love
    if you got sometime to do some :)?

  9. That happens to me I would get shot but I was behind cover and the kill cam
    doesnot show me behind cover?

  10. I’m a competitive player and no matter when I play I warm up by playing
    recruit bots and move up to veteran, this helps me a lot with accuracy and
    reflexes, also I love your videos! You’re my favorite YouTuber! ?

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