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  1. Feel free to leave any questions YOU want answered about COD: Advanced
    Warfare in the comments – I’ll try and look into them when I play the game!
    🙂 ?

  2. its so fucking annoying when somebody says a game copied another game
    because they have something in common. cod copied titanfall because it has
    robots, every game probably had something in common.?

  3. I love how you corporate puppets are the ones REALLY EXCITED for a
    franchise going downhill….seriously your never honest about the
    game…all i hear from your mouth is Activisions pay?

  4. is there a really op shotgun i can use to camp in a corner the whole game
    with like the rest of the cod community nowadays?

  5. I am excited for this, but I promise myself, I dare not look into the
    comments of the reveal vid. It’ll be downright frightening…?

  6. can u show the snipers and will there be quick scoping because i snipe also
    will their be a gun like the msmc????

  7. “its going to be absolutely amazing” you said that about Ghosts and it
    turned out to be the worst cod ever!?

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