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  1. i still dont completely get the flop technique. can you explain a little
    more? the chips inside 20 yards is where i have the majority of my trouble.

  2. Anyone who thinks this guy has bad technique is nuts… Even if he did have
    something wrong with it you can see he still has an amazing execution rate
    50% of the time he gets it into the basket… P.S The tip about the grip on
    the flop shot was great. These are the type of people we are looking for to
    teach learning players to play golf and welcome them into our community.

  3. go to my website agamegolfinstructiondotcom and click on video then click
    on the Video (pitching, lob – flop shots) link on the right side. There are
    59 videos, covering the various pitching and lob techniques

  4. Wow, that was nice ,can’t stop watching the second ball hit the net. I am
    just a beginner but i think i can safely say that’s good technique

  5. Thanks! I’ve cataloged over 900 of the best golf instruction vids available
    on my website, AGameGolfInstruction “dot” com and then click on blog or
    video at the top. Thanks!!

  6. The turning of the right hand more on top of the left to prevent the
    flipping the the club for the flop shot is excellent.

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