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  1. 4 f’ing hours? Seriously? Look, I know these videos are for the most part a
    voluntary labor, but think about this for a few moments. Who’s going to sit
    through 4 hours of unedited mess? Its non-entertaining at the very best and
    painful to watch at the very least.

    Sorry guys, un-subscribing…?

  2. Wish you hadn’t announced the name of the poor woman who had been carted
    off in an ambulance. Otherwise, great coverage as always?

  3. Samara may not have played her best round, but her Dad is still proud pif
    her!!! Also, thanks to smashboxx for airing the round today!?

  4. I guess this is a decent way to showcase the Women. We get to see almost
    all of them. hahaha.

  5. I’ve been watching the women’s coverage all day and as a lady golfer, I
    really appreciate the coverage. Thanks Smashboxx!

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