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  1. LMAO … Wow that swing is classic!! But I like your insight about people’s
    practice swing tendencies makes complete sense! I’m going to have to be
    more mindful myself. Another good video Clay! ?

  2. Clay you are a very talented teacher. But the only that can fix Charles is
    if he decides to play left handed. He’ done.?

  3. I couldn’t stop laughing when you pause certain parts of his swing. I
    shouldn’t laugh because I had a very mild case of the “Charles Barkley” or
    “CB” disease. I think it brought on by too much “air swing” practice
    coupled with practicing my short game in the backyard and my wife yelling
    at me everytime I made divot. I think I am cured but it flares up every
    once in awhile. LOL?

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