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  1. Hi Kirk, at the end of your back swing is your lead hand flat or slightly
    cupped? Also at setup is your lead hip set all the way forward or just
    slightly? Thank you!?

  2. Is there a tour golfer anywhere on the planet who uses this method?Is the
    only validation for teaching it Moe Norman??

  3. Hi Kirk. Videoed my swing yesterday & surprised myself. I do not seem to
    cock my wrists on back swing but do not seem to lose distance. Any drills
    to suggest?

  4. Hi from UK. Still at single plane a la Moe Norman. I don’t really have the
    feeling of greatness I must admit but after seven weeks I am now pretty
    confident of striking the ball right down the fairway & should I hit a duff
    shot it is very unusual. Some shots tend to be better than others but my
    game has improved enough for my partners to comment on the fact that my
    game has dramatically improved- by nearly 10 shots actually. Really true &
    this in spite of turning 70 on the past Xmas Day & having Parkinsons for
    over 10 years . With Parkies the fewer moving parts the better, we can be
    quite shaky at the best or worse of times. Anyone out there with with PD I
    really recommend taking up Moe’s ideas & giving it a real good try. I
    haven’t had such enjoyment from my golf for ages.Off to watch The Open on
    TV now. Good health to you all. Chris?

  5. Hi.been single planing some 5 weeks & doing ok mostly. Don’t get it right
    all the time. My main faults are twofold. First an absolute smothering
    shot, very often over water so this may be just the bad mentals. but my
    worst fault is that I drag the ball to the left while distance is fine,
    especially with short irons. Give me the reason why & how to keep on
    target. I will get it right even if it kills me!?

  6. Hey Kirk,
    What about club head lie angle ? with your hands raised up that much vs a
    standard swing, it looks like it puts your club head in a more toe down
    position at address and impact? Do you need irons with a more upright lie
    angle for accurate shots with this swing? ?

  7. Kirk,
    I have been playing Nat. golf for about 7 or 8 yrs. I find that I play
    very good for a few holes than lose it . When I lose it the shots are weak
    and fly high with poor distance. Your method of teaching is excellent but
    different than the way I was taught by Natural Golf Instructors.
    I think I am not keeping my head back, and my body is moving forward before
    the hands and arms. Any suggestions would be appreciated.?

  8. It seems that most teaching is about the arms being relaxed and hanging
    naturally. When I raise my forearms I feel more rigid and have tension to
    hold the arms up. How will I hit the ball farther with this extra tension??

  9. Hi Kirk. Hail from UK , come on Rory!!! Can I make some comments & see
    what you & other guys think about my thoughts. After about 9 weeks I was
    getting in a mess- a bit of a case of “paralysis by analysis”. I was just
    beginning to get it sorted too. I could have cried when I just could not
    get it right. I would play a few holes really well then went to pieces.
    Yesterday I decided to abandon everything, throw caution to the winds and
    thought I would go back to my old swing. While only scoring 27 points I hit
    some stunning shots, esp with my short irons. Hitting really solid, right
    out the centre of the club, that lovely feeling that we all know when you
    get it right, but when I get to the longer clubs I am all over the place
    and I am relying on a 4iron to drive and this is the longest club I can
    trust, but a 5wood is not too bad either.I thought I had reverted back to
    me old swing but during the round I noted that there were parts of the
    single plane swing still with me, esp in the setup. I was subconciously
    combining traditional methods with SPS withour really realising it. I took
    very little time over setup and stance, just addressed the ball and swung.
    I have noted that since I started to play golf I liked to start my swing
    with a fairly firm forward press. I couldn’t do that with the full SPS
    setup. Dunno why, just couldn’t fit it in but yesterday without doing too
    much thinking I pressed, obviously got my hands in front of the ball, and
    thus struck down on the ball with my shorter clubs. Now I can’t carry on
    driving with a 4iron. Any suggestions to try to get back to my 3 wood?
    Never use a driver, I could be dangerous with one!
    One incidental, right at the start of doing the single plane learning I saw
    that Moe used fatter grips. I altered my grips and using a tennis racquet
    binding and tape.. I built my grips to about the thickness of a badminton
    racquet( I was a badminton Ass. of England coach) so it felt familiar.
    Best thing I ever did. The new grips feel very comfy and aid my hand
    arthritis tho’ they are probably too fat for most.
    Is it possible to just use bits of Moe’s ideas coupled with my natural
    swing? After all we are all not built the same. Moe was a short man, I am
    over 6foot. Sorry to rabbit on but what do you all think about it. I reckon
    just walking up to the ball & hitting it is the best idea. Too much
    thinking hurts my brain! Cheers Chris?

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