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  1. This is the deal breaker to playing great golf – you MUST have a pre-shot
    routines that is you have developed just for you and when you are happy
    with it use it for every single shot you take. #golftips ?

  2. Thanks for the tip. I agree 100% with your advise, but I find it extremely
    difficult not think of some technical maneuver when I am swinging and the
    worst of all when I find it works I try and improve the outcome by trying
    something better or by trying to improve the move. It frustrates me to no
    end. I am a 10 handicap and love the game but wish I could find something
    to do which will keeps my mind quiet but still focused. Any advice??

  3. Thank you Antoine – do you follow me on Facebook – I post loads of helpful
    tips there?

  4. Awesome video! I am at the stage in my game to really take a hard look at
    the mental aspec. Maybe in the future people will learn the mental aspect
    first, then their game.

  5. Hey there Willie, you need to use breathing techniques to center yourself
    and you also need to learn about focusing. Intense focus really does
    require a lot of concentration there are exercises to help you increase the
    length of time that you are able to focus. You would also benefit from
    learning about how to combat ‘less than helpful self-talk’. I can
    understand your frustration because it is one of the more common problems
    that clients tell me about but it can be overcome. Linda

  6. Glad you enjoyed it David – you can get lots of tips by following me on
    Facebook or by reading my blogs. If you grasp the mental aspect of golf it
    really does take your game to the next level.

  7. ‘Golf Mental Tips’ is the name of my new You Tube video channel please go
    and find me there for more videos giving you great golf instruction and
    golf tips all about playing the ‘inner game of golf’. See you over there
    and by the way please feel free to embed my videos on your site and blog
    the more people know about golf psychology the better. Bye for now, Linda.

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