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  1. Too bad if you tried this in America, you would be riddled with bullets by
    police before you could explain it was a joke.?

  2. End the Week with a laugh. Guy mistakes Driving Range with a Shooting
    Range. (

    #Golf, #GolfPrank?

  3. LOL XD! Couldn’t stop laughing @ the two girls reaction @ 0:53 LOL XD! HA
    HA HA HA!

  4. Anyone who is fooled by this should blow their own god damn head off with a
    shotgun and experience what the recoil feels like.

  5. that’s fucking dangerous. Lucky no one in Canada is allowed concealed
    carry, he could have gotten a few pistols aimed at him real quick.

  6. Lol Canadians would just stand there confused and then continue on with
    their game, unlike us pussy americans who would probably get the fuck outta
    of there after one gunshot

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