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  1. Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
    videos … address is in the video link? above . Craighansongolf

  2. Great job. Any chance on a video comparing tiger’s small pitch with his
    chipping technique?

  3. Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
    videos … address is in the video link? above . Craighansongolf

  4. Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
    videos … address is in the video link? above . Craighansongolf

  5. Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
    videos … address is in the video link? above . Craighansongolf

  6. You are the best instructor on youtube! Clear and precise! I keep watching
    your video on iron play. I played yesterday… for the first time in my
    life I think I was actually compressing the ball with my irons! Keep up the
    great work!

  7. Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
    videos … address is in the video link? above . Craighansongolf

  8. Craig thanks for this great tip! It really helped me understand where my
    club needs to be in the back swing I have used this for my 3/4 swing as well

  9. Phil Mickelson calls in the hinge and hold and it’s the ONLY way to chip…
    He said if your pro is teaching you anything else RUN! Great video and
    thanks for the explanation.

  10. Thanks Man!! You just saved my Pitch!! So many pros talk so much ****! You
    really help!! I really like that you use the best players to learn from
    them! Finally someone that understands me!

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