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  1. @coldasicce I had the same problem (no slice w/irons, big slice with
    driver). I was swinging too hard when teeing off. When you swing too hard
    you PULL the driver down rather than let it swing down naturally, and you
    create an “Out-to-In” swing (meaning your arms come in toward your body on
    release). This prevents the club face from closing completely (square to
    ball). When I slowed my swing to 75% speed – NO SLICE!! With practice I was
    able to increased my swing speed back to 100%

  2. And the ‘slice tendency’ he’s talking about, is *easilly* removed with a
    proper grip or hand alignment (strong grip or bowed left wrist going
    trought the ball).

  3. This is great. Does anyone know how to stay in your stance. I tend to stand
    up in my stance in my release and shank the ball….Any takers???

  4. this is great if you are an experienced golfer but if you want to cure a
    slice fast swing a baseball bat a few time and it will make your hands
    release like this

  5. tip for release: relax the right hand and use the left right hand=30% power
    left hand=70%power choking the club with your right hand will either be an
    over the top, or a BIG slice

  6. sliced the piss outta my drives and long irons today, thats what brought me
    here Trying this tomorrow at the range. Golf’s a hell of a drug!

  7. Great lesson….this helped me a great deal to get the proper release.
    Awesome video!!!

  8. It took me about five years to fix my slice. I didn’t use this drill but i
    fixed it using the same concept. I finally figured out after lots and lots
    of trial and error that I wasn’t turning my hands over at impact. So I
    started making myself over-do-it and hitting hooks out on the range and
    worked my way back to find a happy medium. After a while I started hitting
    them straight with a little draw even! I wish I saw this video a long time
    ago and it would’ve taken 5 minutes instead of five years

  9. yh try to not open the iron(driver) keep it forward do the other stuff if u
    want to slice … and if it was windy and you shooted up into the wind then
    it slices or hookes

  10. Glad it helps We use this drill tons with our golf academy. The strategy is
    to keep doing the drill until you hook everything, then gradually move your
    bottom hand up until you have your normal grip.

  11. @coldasicce More explanation on out-to-in swing…

  12. Follow this video, what he is saying is true, some people does not square
    the club face, so try to release it faster. Even though you have been
    playing for 1 year, you cannot fix it that fast, I have been playing for
    over 8 years and I still have a slight fade (small version of a slice) I am
    still working on this.

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