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  1. Great vid, that is following on from my coaching session this morning
    Thanks Chris

  2. can somebody please explain me the importance of the resistance or hold in
    the followthrough?

  3. pmb. This lesson is great. Can not wait to try and go low….please provide
    lesson on chipping..keep it simple like this one.

  4. just listen boy! just 3 things one two and three. hinge turn and feeling
    resistance. cmon, thats easy. good video!

  5. I am a 8 handicapper and have a hard time hitting half shots. My specific
    problem is as follows: I hit the PW 110 yards, SW 80 yds, and Lob wedge (60
    degrees) 70 yds. What is the best shot to hit to a flag located 55 yds
    away? The flag is about 10 yds from the edge of the green. I use a PROV1
    Titleist Golf ball. The greens are on the hard side and the ball rolls from
    1 to 6 yds depending on the type of shot. How should the shot be hit with
    each of the three clubs?

  6. not really because you’ll never get the same ball flight or spin rate using
    this technique. look up hank’s pitching advice, its much better.

  7. I wish that all golf instruction videos were this good…concise, easy to
    understand, and full of goodies for me to go work on. Well done Chris…and

  8. Honestly their are so many different pitch and chip techniques, because it
    is supposed to be a miniature form of your full swing. If you have read
    harvey penicks little red book, he said that if you have little time to
    practice before playing than you should chip and pitch, because it should
    be the same technique of your full swing. So i would suggest if your having
    trouble just try pitching and chipping with your full swing technique, but
    with just a different setup. This always works for me.

  9. low loft and lots of spin is a good thing. If you want a soft landing high
    lob pitch then fine use another technique. But this shot is important to
    have in your bag surely??

  10. It’s unfortunate that an amateur golfer may encounter this video and try to
    apply the fifty things this instructor has prescribed. If I had to remember
    all of those things I could never make a golf swing. I’m sure this
    instructor is the same.

  11. Hi Christopher, Great video.Maybe I misunderstood so I watched your video
    over and over, and there is a small amount of body movement and therefore
    weight shift away, plus your spine angle is leaning slightly away from the
    target. I tried this, and it worked, my shoulder turn was much better and I
    felt freer, plus hit some much better soft pitches. So why do you say there
    is no weigt shift when I believe your video shows there is, even if it it
    is very slight? Regards James

  12. Well done Chris. Extremely effective, concise lesson. Has improved my
    somewhat dodgy chipping enormously and given me a level of confidence with
    these shots that I have not had since I was a kid. I have shot two sub-par
    rounds in the last 3 weeks and the tip, for sure, saved me 3 or 4 shots. I
    also think that your point that pitching is a “mini golf swing” helped
    also. Improved my turn through impact and I hit a lot more fairways off the
    tee than is usual for me. A rare gem. 4 handicap. Thanks

  13. Yeah ! I looked some videos of you. You’re videos helped me in two cases :
    First i learn to understand english(i’m from Germany) Second i helped me on
    the “golf-side”. I’m 13 and my handicap is 7. That’s okay 🙂 I hope that i
    can go in the 11th class to America to play on so nice courses like you.

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