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  1. He should pronounce his name Conan like Conan O’Brien but besides that he
    gives good information. Though the process to become a Tour player is a bit
    harder now.?

  2. @StevenSupernatural Golf is harder to actually make a living as a
    professional than baseball or basketball. You actually have to EARN every
    dollar you make, unless you’re a phenom like Tiger. It’s a grind, day in
    and day out, just to scratch out a living on the mini tours. There are SO
    many guys that are good enough to play on TOUR, including myself, but all
    it takes is a missed putt, and you’re back to the grind again. It takes A
    LOT of financial backing as well. That’s what’s holding most back

  3. @golfershane lol yea. When a baseball, basketball, or football player signs
    a contract for tens and hundreds of millions that’s guaranteed money as
    long as they play and don’t break their contract. Golfers have to win their
    money in tourneys. You don’t win, you lose money.

  4. It depends what level of professional you are talking about – competing
    with the very best in the world on the PGA Tour agree with you is obviously
    a grind, and only 0.01% of golfers are good enough and lucky enough to make
    a living from the game that way. But you can still make a good living from
    the game as a club / teaching pro – I am 26 with a handicap of 4…I know
    that I will never play Tour golf, and that’s fine with me. But If I could
    still make it as a club pro, that is my dream.

  5. can it be any pro at any golf course that recommends you? or does it have
    to be from a major golf course that pro’s play on?

  6. lol Its probably a lot easier to turn pro in a sport such as golf than in a
    sport such as basketball or baseball. Every year less and less people are
    interested in golf.

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