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  1. This was an instuctional video on how to hit fat and thin shots. Someone
    should come out with an intructional video on how to cut the fat from these
    types of golf lessons.

  2. thanks for good advise. i have a problem hope you can help me. without a
    ball i am doing a beautiful swing. but once i see a ball my swing becomes
    f###. i know that i have to do relaxing or smooth swing. but i can’t.

  3. If you have a friend around, you can have them face you and hold the grip
    end of two clubs about 6 inches on either side of your head while you
    swing. If you bump the clubs, you’ll know you moved quite a bit. If you’re
    by yourself, a video camera can provide good feedback. Use things in the
    background as reference for how much you moved. Doing this actually helped
    me a lot. If you don’t have a video camera, simply focusing on keeping more
    stable can help. I’ve also done that too.

  4. hi, i’m hitting fat alot! i think it’s cause i swing too fast and i am
    tense. is there a drill which can help me controll my speed and the
    tenseness.(if thats a word) 😉 this is my worst problem, everything else is
    going good.. thx

  5. you showed me what I was doing wrong. I immediately noticed it watching
    this vid. many grateful thanks!

  6. @parkerthehicks huh…well, too bad for you. The tips he was giving were
    quite simple to understand. If you like I could reiterate for you, but i
    doubt i could be any clearer.

  7. Simple n obvious advice but putting it into practice for us amatures is
    adifferent thing,i’d just be happy to be able to get the ball moving in a
    straight fukin line!

  8. I tend to hit shots a little fat. I think it was due to his example of
    starting out well too the top then dipping my shoulder a tad. I used to be
    about a 7 handicapper, now due to problem fix i am a 4 handicapper

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