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  1. thats exactly how I am got project 6.0 flighted in my PW and I believe my
    driver i hit much to low so I am going to an ADAMS 9088 UL

  2. I can do this sucessfully with my shorter irons getting 180-190 with my 7
    iron but with longer irons and woods it a massive fail. My driver carrys
    250 if lucky

  3. Great tip, I try and play the ball back in stance so i don’t hit it to fat
    but I see I may be losing distance.

  4. what he is saying is if you regularly practice getting the swoosh in the
    right place then you should be able to get the feeling of when to
    accelerate and then off you do this with the club the right way round you
    will hit it further. getting too technical can sometimes ruin your swing.
    its all about practice

  5. Hi Mark, Not good enough, we need more technical detail please. It’s all
    fine and well that we need to hear the whoosh in front of us, but how
    should we go about obtaining it? Should we turn the hips faster, use the
    arms more, turn the upper body faster, what? Like you said there are many
    effective ways, but which in your opinion is more efficient?

  6. so I must be loosing clubhead speed with my longer clubs, I have been
    playing around with my timing and really starting to wip the club into the
    ball but I can not replecate this with longer clubs.. I hit a 190 yard 7
    iron no joke but the driver and anything longer than 6iron I just don’t
    feel confident over the ball… Its almost asif I don’t generae power from
    a flatter swing as good as a steeper one…

  7. this drill is good but i find. you can increase one of these three areas to
    maximize your distance. you can increase the power in your wrists arms or
    body. i fine to get more swing speed by snapping my wrists at the top of my
    swing and get a full body turn through the ball. use this drill Mark talks
    about and try to increase your body arms or wrists as well

  8. Do you want to know how to hit your golf shots further? Just add more lag
    to your swing. “delayed hitting” if you are able to do that you’ll hit the
    ball further. That is was he was talking about, having stored up energy and
    releasing it at the right time, getting the that sound post impact or at
    impact. Everyone can increase their “lag” it’s mostly about having a good
    swing sequence it starts from the ground up, starting with the hips
    laterally, you do not want to unwind your shoulders quickly.

  9. Hey Mark, I find that the more i turn the more i have a tendency to pull or
    slice. And if i try to use my hips to much they get ahead of my upper body
    and cause me to bottom out before the ball. Any suggestion?

  10. Are there any golf drills for amateurs for hitting drives straighter? I
    find that about 3 out of every 5 drives I make slice to the right.

  11. You dnt really wanna bend your left arm doing this drill or you will end up
    with another problem lol

  12. Hi mark , I watch your video s for advice , my problem I have is
    transfering my weight from the downswing to the impact position , at the
    moment I hit all my irons well but there all high , many thanks daz

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