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  1. I love you guys but I have to play devils advocate. Cameron bends his right
    elbow early which means his swing arc shortens by a few inches more than
    Jason. That alone is worth several mph of speed at impact due to
    centripetal and centrifugal force. From the front view it’s apparent Jason
    creates more width, regardless of how high his hands are. You’re just
    moving the plane up or down. Hogan was even flatter than Cameron and look
    at his records! Accuracy is where it counts and Jason trails Tringale in
    GIR and driving accuracy big time! I’d take being 10% more accurate over 20
    yards deeper into the trees. Just my opinion. They’re both way better than
    me, I’d take either of their bank accounts and swings.?

  2. I like both swings. I like the connected feel of the flatter around the
    body swing, but it does require more body rotation and timing to pull the
    hands inside at impact. Verticle with higher hands at top does make it
    easier to do a wide-narrow-wide swing with more speed. Although you can
    still have a connected vertical swing. Ie Rory McElroy – he has high hands
    at the top but keeps his arms close to body on downswing and is very
    connected at impact. Pros are just great players I guess.?

  3. Camerons swing looks so weird. Its phenomenal that he can play so good with
    that swing. Especially after impact it looks very weird?

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