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  1. Like others have said here, the position you say is closed is actually
    square. His left wrist is flat at that point and he maintains that same
    position throughout the swing. If the blade rotates open to the top of the
    swing like you say, his left wrist would have to be in a cupped position.?

  2. Club face was definitely square halfway back, ie It was parallel to his
    spine angle and perfectly square not closed. I’m off plus 3hcp. Sorry but
    gotta call it when i see it.?

  3. Not a very pretty swing (like Adam Scott or Rory Mcilroy) but he gets the
    job done. His finish looks a little weird and I always think (at least with
    the irons) that he’s hit it fat. ?

  4. He is as close to a natural as you get. Open invitation to play as my guest
    at St Andrews Country Club in Boca Raton. ?

  5. Learnt something new 2 days ago…. playing off 12…. lol… I shot 4 over
    gross…. instead of rolling the wrists… my coach taught me to flick…
    at impact… I now get true pure distance with … fantastic accuracy.
    Super video… ?

  6. Hmmm. I’d say his club face is square to it’s arc in his take-away, not
    closed. If the face angle is the same as the spine angle, the face is still
    square to it’s arc, same as at set-up. If the toe is straight up, it is
    open to the spine angle, and open to it’s arc.
    His head is actually raising AND moving away from the target just prior to
    impact; a powerful move which helps “sling” the club through the ball.
    If you watch Jordan go through his pre-shot routine in back of the ball,
    you will note his rehearsal back swings bring his hands only to shoulder
    height. When he actually swings, he takes the hands much further up. My bet
    is if he executed his back swing the same as his rehearsal, he’d be just as
    powerful, and have far fewer leaky shots.
    I love his squat coming down, That compresses the coil which forces it to
    unwind faster. Us old farts can’t do that so well, and keeping the head
    level works.
    As always, great analysis Clay. I know we don’t agree on every detail, but,
    I still enjoy your vids, some of the best on YT.?

  7. Can you take a look and comment tips on how to improve my swing on my
    channel? Thanks! Im a 14 yr old golfer looking for some tips:)?

  8. is it ok for your hips to be well ahead of the rest of your body? ive heard
    you want your belt buckel pointed at your target at impact.?

  9. His club face is not closed halfway back on the takeaway. It matches his
    spine angle. Rolling the club face open to get the toe up will get the
    club stuck behind you on the down swing unless we come over top of it with
    the shoulders. Just a thought….?

  10. Ok, I know that this is an old video – but really – could your draw more
    arrows, and other lines John Madden – way too many things going on to take
    away any value – focus on 1 or 2 key fundamentals – this is just going to
    screw people up. ?

  11. The famous Sam Snead “squat”. They didn’t call him Slammin’ Sam for
    nothing. He routinely drove the ball 300 yds. w/ a persimmon wood driver
    and a steel shaft. The bit about Speith having to compensate for a closed
    club face going back is not accurate. In a one piece take away, if the
    wrists are completely neutral, as Speith’s are, the club face will
    naturally be looking at the ground. Try it. Coming back down, no
    compensation is needed to square the club face at impact. That’s the beauty
    of the one piece take away. Timing the hands/wrists is impossible, so best
    to leave them out of it entirely.?

  12. He did not have to make any compensations to get the club opened up at the
    top? He simply keeps the right arm on top a little bit longer holding off
    the rotation of the forearms. Once his right arm folds his club opens up
    naturally. This could be done to to avoid a flat backswing. But if he
    rotated his forearms in a way to “compensate” as you suggest he would be
    laid off.

  13. Good question, the shoulders will turn on an arc around the spine, both in
    the backswing and in the downswing. We all have a strong knowledge of the
    ball flight laws. We have used FlightScope radars quite a bit. The ball
    flight laws are really very simple. You are only determining the difference
    in path vs. face direction. Is there anything in particular you had a
    question about? ~Clay Ballard

  14. That is fine. I was only pointing out the differences moves that would need
    to take place in order to get to the same spot. He is rotating the forearms
    very little in the first half, and twice as much in the second half of the
    backswing. You could also rotate them gradually throughout. The idea is
    that so many people get caught up in a position and lose sight of what is
    really happening in general. He arrives at a nice position at the top of
    the swing. ~Clay Ballard

  15. do you believe the shoulders turn on an arc during the back stroke? how
    well does rotary swing understand the new ball flight laws?

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