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  1. Great video. I find that a good drill for preventing the “long hip” slide,
    where my left hip goes too far past the left ankle, is to practice
    transferring weight to the inside of my left foot on the downswing. I don’t
    let my weight go farther to the outside of my left foot until well after
    the club goes through impact. This forces me to keep my hip turning around
    and even slightly back from the target.?

  2. I personally find that if I am concentrating on keeping my head BEHIND THE
    BALL at impact, that I stop the block right. Of course to many that means a
    reverse pivot. I am talking about the weight transferring through to
    target, while my head is behind the ball.

    Often times, my head tends to move forward with my body and that is when I
    push it. ?

  3. I’m a junior and sometimes push it slightly, I would subscribe and make
    your channel popular if you posted more vids . I see you like mark
    crossfeild really simple and helpful. I’m begging you make more vids.?

  4. Good simple explanation. I am mostly pushing. The problem is how to start
    the downswing and get the left side out of the way. Transferring the weight
    first on the downswing helps i.e. I put the left foot down first. Is it the
    right way to start the downswing.

  5. wouldnt this be promoting a hook? at the driving range i kept pushing it,
    and just by common sense, i did try to turn my arms into the swing, then i
    hit a big old hook.

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