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  1. How do you think these compare to the 2014 MCs? I just had a fitting and
    the MCs seemed a bit more forgiving low on the face versus the AP2s??

  2. I agree, Clay. I love my 710 AP2s. My previous irons were Hogan Apex, and
    although they were really nice forged clubs when struck on the sweet spot,
    they were terribly unforgiving. Missing the sweet spot, which was about the
    size of a pea on the 4-iron, was actually painful. The AP2’s give enough
    feedback to know when I have made a proper strike, and don’t punish my game
    excessively if I miss the sweet spot by 1/2″. The spin is predictable and
    consistent, and I have even better ability to hit knock down shots now.
    Great irons.?

  3. Hi Clay, love your website and videos, the best on Youtube for sure!! I’m
    considering going to your premium membership as i currently play off a
    handicap of 9 but seem to either shoot level par or 20 over!! I need some
    consistency as my club champs are next month and i want to contend
    desperately and i want to challenge for the first team at my club! How much
    progress do you think i can make over a month? I’m told i have loads of
    potential just some small pieces are holding me back! Thanks Jon?

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