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  1. I went out to the range and practiced on keeping my shafts parallel on the
    downswing starting with my driver. All went rather well and I felt good
    about the practice session until I hit my SW and it was SHANK after SHANK
    after SHANK… I’m not sure what I did wrong but looking back I felt in the
    hamstrings and I think that’s what was forcing me to early extend in the

  2. Been suffering from pitch shot shanks all week.. this video has cured
    it.. Thanks a lot Mark :)?

  3. good video please I don’t want you to think im trying to be clever but ive
    suffered from shanks since I started still have them now but on these
    three quarter shots you should concider are you just swinging your arms and
    not turning your shoulders this was one of my faults so make sure you start
    your swing with your shoulders hope this helps someone all the best?

  4. This isn’t a fix for everyone I guess, but try lifting your hands slightly
    higher at address. I had horrible shanks for about a month. When I
    checked on film I had really low hands on small pitch shots and when I
    raised my hands slightly it gave my hands room in front of my legs to swing
    through. If your legs are in the way of your hands coming into impact your
    hands will just move forward of the ball so you don’t hit your legs. It
    INSTANTLY fix my ssssssshanks! Just my ten pennies.?

  5. Sounds like great advice Mark. Keep It Simple Stupid. KISS method is my
    fav. It doesn’t have to be complex.?

  6. my shanks often come from fear of shanks.Vicious circle,you have to attack
    the ball fiercly,and it will stop.?

  7. i only shank when im tired or hungover and dont focus on the ball enough.

    Thats not a euphemism.?

  8. Hi Leslie. Try to strengthen left hand. Will help to square club through
    impact. Start with short chips. Squaring the clubface. Slowly make swing
    longer. Focus on squaring club face the rest will come Naturally.
    Back to basics. Good grip/ setup, balanced, good distance from ball, swing
    on plane, eye on ball, follow through to balanced finish. Think smooth &
    square square square.
    Hope this helps. Good luck.

  9. Nice one! I have noticed I have been throwing my hand out a bit through
    impact now when I keep my hands closer through impact I find im hitting a
    lot straighter but also topping and thinning a lot of shots.?

  10. I had the same problem. It drove me mad. My solution: back on plane, not
    to much to the inside. But what helped most was squaring the clubface at
    impact. I tried everything. I was overcomplicating the shot. In was leaving
    the club face wide open through impact. Went back to basics. Correct grip,
    balanced, back and down on plane, square club face through impact. Hope
    this helps. ?

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