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  1. Such an under-appreciated show, Game Dave is charming, persuasive and has
    taken my family hostage. Please please please, for every 10,000 subs, I get
    one family member released.. And also, Dave, congrats on breaking 2000! ?

  2. Should have been the release game with the Wii U like Wii sports was
    release with Wii… Shame, as I can’t bring myself to fork out on it. Great
    review as always Dave and congrats in advance on 2k sub’s! ?

  3. My little brother loves this video and watches it every day. It’s not a bad
    thing luckily. ;)?

  4. 22:39 lmao! I remember it being just like that when I first got my Wii.
    Great and in-depth review, Dave!?

  5. I can confirm that boxing is extremely unresponsive. I have to recalibrate
    every 5 seconds or else in the game says I’m leaning all the way to right.?

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