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  1. well made video it is hard at the beginning to hit the draw butt she has it
    down in this video if you are looking on how to do it then check this video

  2. Relying on a draw is the most dangerous type of shot that too often ends up
    in a duck hook! The power fade is the only true way of driving without
    the risk of hitting OB. If you practice, the distance gained with a draw
    is not worth the strokes you will add with errant shots. The fade is also
    the most accurate shot into greens, landing soft and predictable. For
    amateurs, you are wasting your time with the over-hyped “draw”… ?

  3. For me I keep the right elbow in and pull through the swing with the left
    side, back of my left hand pulling through. Keep that club on an inside out
    swing path, no flying right elbows. I’d like to play with her though, she
    could teach me a few things.?

  4. im sorry but this was not sexy at all, them socks really you look more
    stupid than sexy stupid ass cunt….?

  5. Sorry…..I forgot everything she said after the first 20 seconds when she
    said “Orgasmic”….?

  6. Look, she’s plenty gorgeous to attract enough attention to the video… can
    we stop with calling the golf shots being “sexy”, “orgasmic” or “so hot”.
    We get it, sex sells, but this just makes it stupid.?

  7. You don’t need to use a strong grip to hit a draw. A strong grip is only
    going to lead to pull hooks. I have been there and done and that and lost a
    few months out of the golf season hitting hooks. Its all in your set-up.
    Ball forward, close up the stance a little, aim right of target.?

  8. Takeaway is the key, and top of the swing is the tough one for me. Balance
    and weight on r h side, full shoulder turn but hip only slightly turned,
    not twisted. The rest is easy. Legs lead the shot, hands just follow.
    Gorgeous babe she is!!?

  9. Why is she putting on that hopelessly fake (just roll a few ‘R’s now and
    then) American accent? Being Australian myself, her true accent sticks out
    like golf balls.?

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