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  1. If practicing your golf game feels like a waste of time to you, then it is.
    You need to stay engaged in your practice through drills (training motions
    and feelings) or simulations (emulating on-course situations)…in either
    case, you need an active, engaged mindset. Without this focus, you are
    indeed wasting your time practicing…never mindlessly beat balls…when
    this happens, just go play…you’ll be better off.

  2. Sonyitv76: Although I haven’t seen your swing, generally a more lofted
    driver is going to be a great idea for beginners. It will be easier to get
    the ball up into the air, and also, with more loft on the clubface, this
    will help reduce sidespin (straighter shots). For beginners, squaring up
    the clubface at impact is one of the biggest challenges. The more loft you
    have, generally the more margin for error. For example, I’m sure you hit
    your 9 iron straighter than your driver! Write any time!

  3. I recommend a slight “pre-set” or weight shift in driver setup to some
    students as well. This helps with loading onto the right side more simply
    in the backswing without sliding or shifting. Tee shots require a slight
    upward angle of attack, and staying centered behind the ball at impact is a
    requirement for good driving. That said, for most players, a 50/50 stance
    is cool as long as ball position is correct and there are no major swing
    issues in play. Trust your guy, he knows your game 😉

  4. Sorry for another question this is my last one. Should the end of the grip
    always stay at the Sam spot for each club. Or does it move

  5. Hi Casey, I’ve watched all your vids and I think they’re worth more than
    any lesson I’ve paid money for with my local UK pro’s! Excellent
    instructions, thanks for posting them, they’ve helped me fall in love with
    the game again. Best wishes from the UK

  6. Hey Casey, one important thing to add is that sometimes players get there
    hands to far in front of the ball at address, with the driver. I was doing
    it too. A lot of coaches say to place the hands across from the belt
    buckle. It sure helped me, now I am hitting the ball much better.

  7. these videos combined with lessons have been priceless in improving my
    game. thanks Casey, well done!

  8. Jordan: Most every tournament golfer will agree…when you find a driver
    that works, don’t mess with it! 300yds is plenty…if you’re not scoring, I
    assure you an extra 30 crooked yads to satisfy your ego will not help. Keep
    your driver, and take your friends’ money! If you must change, I’m thinking
    you need a shaft with absolute minimal torque, and prob X flex. Try some
    drivers with a touch more loft to help you hit it straighter. I’d give up a
    couple yards for accuracy EVERY time. Good luck!

  9. I last played over 5 years ago an now class myself a beginner again.I
    understand what you say regarding your professional opinion were on
    the club surface would you impact the ball iv watched on tv an seen them
    hitting close to the stem? Iv saw your video on the height of the
    would seem correct to generate more power close but I hit in the middle is
    this correct? Many thanks for your reply means alot to a guy over the pond.

  10. With the driver, the direction the ball travels is almost exclusively
    determined by the angle of the clubface at impact. If you are slicing to
    the right, your clubface is open (facing right) at impact. This is physics.
    Over time, your swing has evolved to approach the ball from the outside-in,
    leading to a shot that starts more to the left…after all, a shot starting
    left is the only chance you may have to keep the ball in play! 😉 My advice
    is to adjust your grip.

  11. Good question…and I think an area that confuses a lot of people.
    Obviously, as we move the ball away from the center of our stance, unless
    one arm is longer than the other, our shoulders are going to fall out of
    line. I suggest, rather than allowing your shoulder to open relative to the
    target line (rotating slightly horizontally) that you allow your right
    shoulder to sink just a bit lower than your left. This way, your shoulder
    lines will still be parallel left of the target line…continued-

  12. I’m right handed. I tried going to your website but it says the link is
    invalid. (Could be user error though). Thanks for the help!

  13. Sorry for slow response Jay Smooth…thanks for the comments. I agree with
    alignment aids…easy to do, and very helpful to train yourself over time.
    Everyone just assumes they are setting up squarely to the target without
    checking…next time you go to a Tour event, check out how many pros are
    constantly working on alignment. If they need to work on it, I’ve got to
    think I need to work on it too! Good luck!

  14. About-Golf org/articles (need to add “.”). Generally, when you rotate your
    hands around the club to the left, this promotes a slice or open clubface
    at impact. Conversely, rotating right leads to a closed clubface. You may
    have these guidelines reversed? It seems like your “power grip” is a big
    time slice grip. The goal is to find the middle ground where club is square
    at impact without compensating/rolling/flipping…relaxed through the ball.
    Let’s keep talking…happy to help & good luck

  15. i am a pretty good golfer and play low scores but where if lose shot is
    from the tee with my driver i intent tohit the ball straight and the all of
    a sudden it kicks abot 90degrees right when in the middle of the stans i
    hit it straiight but not the real distance i hit when infront i would like
    it if you give me some advice casey it would mean alot and help me improve
    my game

  16. Very true shredx81…there is a relatively wide range of personal
    preference inherent in any successful golf swing. As instructors, we cannot
    interfere with a person’s body type and/or limitations. If you look at the
    guys on Tour, there are all sorts of ways to get it done. That said, there
    are certain inarguable physical truths, or laws that define how the ball
    behaves. We need to do our best to accommodate these laws and understand
    true causes and effects to improve. Great comment…good luck!

  17. Jay, I checked out your swing. My thoughts: you have lots of power/speed,
    but probably need to focus on consistency and control. 2 things: 1. Less
    hand action/wrist rolling in take away. Rolling on the way back means you
    have to unroll on the way through…complicates things. Rehearse what I
    call the 9:00 position on the way back…when shaft is parallel to ground,
    should be parallel to target line, toe up (not quite vertical). Currently,
    shaft is too far around your body…simple is better.

  18. hi. I am new to golf and seem to be hitting everything ok apart from the
    driver. The majority of my tee off shots seem to cut the grass and hook to
    the left. Any advice that can help this would be greatly appreciated. Good
    video as well. Cheers

  19. Casey, thank you for your videos. So many golf “lesson” videos I find on
    youtube are put up by people who are just trying to sell themselves. I like
    the way you use simple language, it helps me to kind of “trick” my brain
    into figuring out how to tell my body to do the right things. You helped me
    just now to really understand why its important to move the ball forward in
    your stance when hitting the driver. Cant wait to hit the range tomorrow,
    now that I have something different to think about.

  20. Evans: Aplogies for getting philosophical, but this is a question every
    golfer faces…go with what works, or what may be considered “correct”.
    Some of the best players in the world are unorthodox. Missing the
    fundamentals may limit your potential.I’d need to see your swing to have
    opinion. I’ll say the driver is the longest club, and so long as you have
    athletic, balanced posture, you should be further from the ball. I say stay
    balanced, square, and rip it! Good luck! (send vid if you like)

  21. I appreciate the feedback RandomsforFuns. Let me know if you have any
    questions. I’m happy to help or make a new video so everyone can benefit.
    Good luck!

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