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  1. I have a problem with driving straight. Every time i swing, the ball goes
    to the right. I think i might be putting spin on it, causing it to hook far
    right. Is there something i could try to fix that?

  2. Sounds great BUT can we see him actually domonstrate what hes talking
    about? I also want to see the result…. A long straight drive…its what
    helps motivate us and keeps us coming back to your vids… thanks…

  3. @18goose18 Hey Ty, thanks for your comment! It’s rare nowadays someone
    takes the time to say thanks and let us know what we’re doing helps. I
    really appreciate your feedback! It means a lot. Now you just got me
    excited and thinking about doing more video for you and everyone else who

  4. im not a pro 1, but i do play for the school during P.E. so we have to
    watch videos on this, its so confusing and pretty boring

  5. It’s true, the game is not for everyone. And it’s okay if you don’t like
    it. But keep an open mind. Just because you are not a fan today doesn’t
    mean later in life you won’t enjoy it. I actually felt like you when I was
    younger. But the more I learned the game, and the more I played, I became
    hooked. Today I am very passionate about the game of golf. Time will tell
    if the game becomes more attractive to you. In the meantime, I hope you can
    enjoy our videos.

  6. This is the best tip ever. For as long as i can remember i’ve been hitting
    a huge slice that goes a total of about 225yrds. i got to the point that i
    would aim at the trees on the left and curve it back to the fairway. After
    watching this video and a couple others from you my drives go striaght as
    an arrow about 240yrds in the air and slowly getting farther with practice.
    Excellent tips you’ve really improved my game, ty 🙂

  7. I like the open stance. That totally makes sense. And, hitting from the
    inside. Good stuff.

  8. Hmm nice video. Im just starting golf now, the first ever time I went to a
    driving range I hit 170 yards, is that good? Thanks 🙂

  9. @mightyd55 I’m really happy to hear the tips are helping! I know everyone
    says it, but practice, practice practice! Golf in many ways is a game of
    inches. It’s a game of making slight corrections. The fact that you are
    open to advice also helps a great deal.

  10. @cottonball318 First, the fact that you recognize what you’re doing is half
    the battle. You definitely need to check out our videos on correcting your
    slice, and well as on driving techniques. I will send you some other
    information that will also help.

  11. @kingxzibits Of course that’s good. It doesn’t matter where you start from.
    Just keep playing. Hopefully you enjoy the game. It can become addicting.

  12. Hallo Nyle. Thank you very much for your advice. I have been playing for
    year off 12/13 but I was playing “steery” golf and definately coming over
    the top. I decided to go for it and open those hips and what a difference.
    Its given me 20 yards and 20 years back. It feels reckless at the start but
    clearly it is technically vital.

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