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  1. Hey Rick, Great review and not a bad swing!!! Still trying to decide on
    this club… haven’t bought a new driver in a while but wanted something
    that I can change at a moments notice when my swing suits a different loft
    or lie.?

  2. great review and swing .. i have this head unshafted ive been playing the
    r9 superdeep tp for 2-3 yrs w tour x aldila 65 draw setting how would this
    compare ??

  3. i’ve always been anti-taylormade for some reason i cant explain but i
    decided to give the R1 black a try because it just looked sweet as hell.
    let me tell you it is the best driver i’ve ever owned and i got it new from
    DICKs sporting goods for $250.00. I would highly recommend this to any mid

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